Apatite – Minemeralds

Apatite takes its name from the Greek word "Apatein" which means wrong, mislead, or confused, chosen by A.G Werner in 1786, professor of mineralogy at the Freiberg Academy (Germany) who upon studying this gem found, that in fact, it was a new mineral but so far had been confused with others to which it is very similar.


Apatite is generally a group of phosphate minerals consisting of high concentration of OH −, F − and Cl − referred to as hydroxylapatite, fluorapatite and chlorapatite respectively. Actually, it is a type of mineral named by German geologist in 1786. Apatite is the most commonly used mineral especially in biological environmental systems.

Apatite: Mineral information, data and localities.

An apatite with 3.18% rare earth elements (REE) and 1.33% Ce2O3 from the Kola Peninsula. Originally reported from Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern …

Apatite: The mineral apatite information and pictures

Apatite is named for the Greek word apate, which means "deceit", since Apatite is similar in appearance to many other minerals. Apatite describes a group of similar isomorphous hexagonal phosphate minerals. The primary Apatite group includes Fluorapatite, …

Pierre Apatite

Le naturaliste espagnol Pedro Francisco Dávila (1713-1785) décrit le minéral et l'appelle « pierre phosphorique ». Quelques années plus tard, le géologue allemand Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817) se penche sur le sujet. En raison de l'apparence trompeuse de la pierre, Werner lui attribue le nom d'« apatite ».

Apatite | Mineralogy4Kids

Apatite. Apatite. Discovered in 1860, this mineral is named from the Greek word "to deceive" as it was often confused with other minerals. It is widely disseminated as an accessory constituent in all classes of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Fluorapatite is by far the most common species of this mineral group.

A mineralogical perspective on the apatite in bone

A crystalline solid that is a special form of the mineral apatite dominates the composite material bone. A mineral represents the intimate linkage of a three-dimensional atomic structure with a chemical composition, each of which can vary slightly, but not independently. The specific compositional–structural linkage of a mineral influences ...

Introduction to Apatites | IntechOpen

Apatite is the generic name, which was first introduced by German geologist A.G. Werner. These minerals and their synthetic analogs represent a major class of ionic compounds and the most common crystalline form of calcium phosphates, which are of interest of many industrial branches and scientific disciplines. Since, apatite …

Apatite: A Mineral for All Seasons – Elements Magazine

By Daniel E. Harlov. Apatite is a superb mineral by which to investigate the nature of fluids that have passed through and altered a rock (metasomatic processes). Its …


Apatite is the mineral most often involved in replacing soft tissues and it does so with the highest degree of fidelity. Details, down to the subcellular level, such as Cretaceous fish cell nuclei sitting on muscle fibres, have been recorded and such fine detail is possible because the apatite crystallites can be very small (commonly <30 nm). ...

Apatite Meaning, Uses, and Benefits

Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral that can be found in green, blue, yellow, and violet colors. It has a hexagonal crystal system and a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale. The name apatite comes from the Greek word meaning "to deceive." This is due to how the stone often looks like other gemstones.


Mineral - Hardness, Mohs Scale, Crystalline: Hardness (H) is the resistance of a mineral to scratching. It is a property by which minerals may be described relative to a standard scale of 10 minerals known as the Mohs scale of hardness. The degree of hardness is determined by observing the comparative ease or difficulty with which one mineral is scratched by …

Apatite Supergroup: Mineral information, data and …

A supergroup that includes minerals with a generic chemical formula IX M1 2VII M2 3 ( IV TO 4) 3 X (Z = 2). A large number of ions may occupy the key sites in the structure, and thus the possible number of distinct minerals is large. The members of the apatite supergroup characteristically show a wide range of substitutional solid solutions.

Apatite | Geology In

Apatite is the defining mineral for 5 on the Mohs scale. Hydroxyapatite, also known as hydroxylapatite, is the major component of tooth enamel and bone mineral. A relatively rare form of apatite in which most of the OH groups are absent and containing many carbonate and acid phosphate substitutions is a large component of bone material.

Apatity. Mineral Deskripsi, properti, simpanan dan fakta …

Apatite: asal mineral . Mineral dari kelompok apatit adalah aksesori, yaitu bentuk batuan dalam jumlah kecil (kurang dari 1%). Oleh karena itu, mereka tidak mempengaruhi klasifikasi. Kristalisasi terjadi di hampir semua batuan magmatik, terutama pada batuan basa dan asam. Apatitas adalah komponen karakteristik dari lampu lampu dan …

Apatite Mineral Data

Optical Properties of Apatite. Gladstone-Dale: CI meas = 0.021 (Excellent) - where the CI = (1-K PDmeas /K C) CI calc = 0.03 (Excellent) - where the CI = (1-K PDcalc /K C) K …

Bone and Tooth Mineralization: Why Apatite?

Abstract. Through evolution, vertebrates have "chosen" the calcium phosphate mineral apatite to mineralize their teeth and bones. This article describes the key characteristics of apatite in biological mineralization and explores how the apatite structure allows biology to control mineral composition and functionality.

Apatite Facts

Apatite is the name of a group of phosphate minerals that have a familiar chemical composition and share the same physical properties. They are a significant component of phosphorite and used to make chemicals, acids, and fertilizers. Apatite has a consistent hardness and serves as the index mineral for a hardness of 5 in the Mohs Hardness Scale.

Apatite – Virtual Museum of Molecules and Minerals

Apatite is the most common primary mineral source of phosphorous in soils. It commonly occurs in the silt-sized fraction and may readily be identified in thin section. Apatite has been used extensively as a phosphorous fertilizer and is still mined for that purpose today. Hughes, J.M., M. Cameron, and K.D. Crowley. 1991. Ordering of divalent ...

Blue Apatite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

Blue Apatite is a motivational stone, promoting independence and ambitiousness. [Gienger, 15] A stone of the Throat Chakra, Blue Apatite helps with public speaking and enhances group communication. [Hall, 63] Attuned to the Third Eye, it also improves concentration and memory skills, and is a good crystal for study purposes.


Apatit adalah kelompok mineral fosfat, biaa mengacu hidroksilapatit, fluorapatit dan klorapatit, dengan konsentrasi tinggi ion OH −, F − dan Cl −, secara berurutan, dalam kristal.Rumus dari campuran dari empat endmembers paling umum ditulis sebagai Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 (OH,F,Cl) 2, dan rumus satuan kristal sel mineral individu ditulis sebagai Ca 10 …

Minerals | Special Issue : Apatite and Ore Deposits

Apatite (Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 (OH,F,Cl)) is an ubiquitous accessory phosphate mineral found in many types of rocks and environments. This is particularly true with regards to ore deposits. This mineral has several key characteristics that are very useful when one is interested in the characterization and/or the dating of the circulations of fluid …

Mohs Hardness Scale: Testing the Resistance to …

The Mohs Hardness Scale is a set of ten reference minerals (numbered 1 through 10) that are used to determine the relative hardness of minerals and other objects. In this test the hardness of a mineral is defined as …


This mineral is also a biological material. In particular, hydroxylapatite is the main constituent of tooth enamel, and a special form of apatite is found in bone . When toothpastes and water containing fluoride are used, the fluoride ions substitute for hydroxide ions in tooth enamel, making the enamel more resistant to attack by acids.

Mineral Properties, Photos, Uses and Descriptions

Apatite Arsenopyrite Augite Azurite Barite Bauxite Benitoite Beryl Biotite Bornite Calcite Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Charoite Chlorite Chromite Chrysoberyl ... Grape Agate is a popular mineral specimen with the color and the shape of a bunch of grapes. Copper. Copper is a metal used in coins, electronics, pipes, wiring, motors, ...

Apatite: Its Crystal Chemistry, Mineralogy, Utilization, and

Apatite Its Crystal Chemistry, Mineralogy, Utilization, and Geologic and Biologic Occurrences ... mineralogy, geology and physics in order to pro­ duce something that would relate to the mineral apatite and its extremely diverse occurences in nature. At the same time it seemed essential to point out some of the many important aspects in which ...

Osteopontin regulates biomimetic calcium phosphate crystallization …

NMR measurements show that an appreciable disordered calcium phosphate mineral layer covers the apatite crystallites. From quantification of Ca and P in HAP·qOPN, it is clear that the surface ...

APATITE (Calcium (Fluoro-, Chloro-, Hydroxyl-) Phosphate)

THE MINERAL APATITE. Chemistry: Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl), Calcium (Fluoro, Chloro, Hydroxyl) Phosphate Class: Phosphates; Group: Apatite; ... Specimens. Apatite is actually three different minerals depending on the predominance of either fluorine, chlorine or the hydroxyl group. These ions can freely substitute in the crystal lattice and all three ...

Apatite: A Fingerprint for Metasomatic Processes

Apatite is a superb mineral by which to investigate the nature of fluids that have passed through and altered a rock (metasomatic processes). Its ubiquity allows it to act as a reservoir for P, F, Cl, OH, CO 2, and the rare earth elements.It is also a powerful thermochronometer and can be chemically altered by aqueous brines (NaCl–KCl–CaCl 2 …

15 Facts About Apatite

Apatite is a relatively soft mineral. Apatite is a relatively soft mineral, with a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale. This characteristic makes it suitable for various industrial applications, including its use as an abrasive material and in the manufacturing of ceramics and glass. Apatite's physical properties render it versatile for diverse ...

Cathodoluminescence and geochemical characteristics of Apatite …

Given that apatite is a common accessory mineral in porphyry deposits, it can potentially be used as an exploration tool. The Xiongcun district in the Gangdese magmatic belt is a center of past magmatic–hydrothermal activity ( Lang et al., 2014a, Lang et al., 2014b, Tafti et al., 2009, Tafti et al., 2014, Tang et al., 2015 ) where three ...

Apatite | Earth Sciences Museum

Apatite is identified by the chemical formula Ca 5 (PO 4). It forms in hexagonal crystals and is a rock phosphate mineral. Apatite can exist in many different forms, along with other minerals, as long as the base of apatite calcium (Ca 5) and phosphorous (PO4) exist together. There are three common forms of apatite that appear in nature.

The many facets of apatite

most abundant phosphate mineral. Apatite forms the base of the P cycle, which begins when the (PO 4) 3-phosphate group is released as apatite weathers at the Earth's surface. The mineral occurs in igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, and hydrothermal rock systems, and is the principal

Introduction to Apatites | IntechOpen

First chapter of this book introduces the basic concepts of nomenclature, composition, classification, crystal structure, mineralogy and properties of minerals from the supergroup of apatite. …

Mineral chemistry and apatite Sr isotope signatures

Apatite is a ubiquitous accessory mineral in hydrothermal ores, which contains a high Sr concentration (up to hundreds to thousands of ppm) and a negligible concentration of Rb, owing to the extremely low partition coefficient of rubidium in apatite of 0.0013 (Prowatke and Klemme, 2006).

À propos de la pierre précieuse d'Apatite

Ce minéral est l'apatite. L'Apatite Bleu-Vert. Alors que l'apatite est un minéral commun, la pierre précieuse d'apatite de qualité est très rare. L'apatite est connu par les connaisseurs de pierre précieuses surtout pour deux couleurs: le vert bleu façons paraiba et la couleur verte comme le poireau qui a gagné le nom d'apatite de 'la ...